About Me

Basil Guyer, LCSW (he/they)


Greetings! I’m a Pennsylvania (CW021665) and North Carolina (C015956) Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I hold a valid LCSW credential in both states. This private practice was started in Philadelphia in 2019. I have since relocated to Central NC. My practice is primarily telehealth. I periodically rent office space in Philly for in person sessions.

I grew up in Southern California and spent a decade in the Bay Area before moving out East. I received both my BA in Communicative Disorders and also my MSW from San Francisco State University, while supporting myself in various roles within disability services. I was a nanny to a child with developmental disabilities during undergrad and worked my way into middle management at a nonprofit serving adults with disabilities. I was a supervising case worker & program coordinator for several years before going to grad school to become a therapist. Overall, I hold 17 years experience in carework.

I am in my 7th year of experience as a therapist. I got my start in 2017 at a 12-month-long clinical training program & internship at Queer LifeSpace in San Francisco. I received weekly trainings and experience working therapeutically individuals, couples, and running a support group. From there I spent 16 months at a group practice providing therapy before transitioning into private practice full time in early 2020.

My social locators: white, queer, middle class, parent, jewish family system